Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hulu Plus... err this sounds familiar…

Wow who woulda thought two premium paid subscription services of content that were previously free… and still are sorta... in one day... huh…

Screw Playstation Plus/ + PSN details and my feelings on it

 Playstation Network Plus hit today and I'm not happy

Heavenly Sword Review

The Playstation 3 is a console that boasts two things, first the games you play are beautiful to look at, and 2 the games you play will be exclusive to the Playstation, and Heavenly Sword is defiantly 2-for-2 in that regard. While many people wrote this game off as more of a god of war clone, than the killer app the Playstation needed at the time; Ninja Theory crafted a strong title that they can be proud of, even if it’s not the greatest, or most original game in the world.