Thursday, July 1, 2010

8% on the tomatometer. Damn.

Like damn…

So yea I never expected Avatar: The last Airbender the movie to be good, but I expected it to be okay, but not great. I am a pretty big fan of Avatar the last Airbender cartoon series. I enjoyed its fresh world, and not to serious, although still dramatic take on classic martial arts and anime troupes. I laughed I speculated, I loved and I got involved in the series, and when it was over I knew I was ready for more, there was one final plot point left unresolved, and I thought I can’t wait to see what they do with this series next, then I heard about the movie, and low and behold my fan boy heart began to fear. Apparently the movie was going to be directed by M. Night Shyamalan, and the film was going to be vaguely white washed, I didn’t believe the white wash hype, because I didn’t consider it that big of a deal since avatar is an American property, albeit based on Asian art and lifestyle, but it was M.Night, oh M. Night. I love Shyamalan I do I really do, I did a project on him in high school, and I liked all of his movies other than The Happening (Lady in the Water wasn’t that bad), but I knew stuff was going to go down bad with Shyamalan. The first sneak peak trailer looked accurate, albeit boring. I got my first pings of fear/excitement at the second trailer it looked accurate and it looked pretty good, until I saw it was in 3-D, then I knew it was going to be bad. When I say bad I mean that it would be like average bad, not unwatchable, I thought it would be passable, but apparently not. I personally don’t trust critics to much with nerd franchises, there is always a deeper underpinning of love that is missing from their reviews to fully appreciate the work at hand, and sometimes when you’re a critic you become so snobbish that your just a kill joy on a good time, however when 92 percent of the critics who reviewed your movie so far say it sucked, that kind of tells me that it might be a little more than a normal misunderstanding. I still maintain the stance of don’t judge until you experience the work for yourself, but this is not a good sign. I’m still going to see The Last Airbender but damn… I will get back to you on my thoughts after I see it.

  1. They say this movie is a bad a translation as Dune, okay for one thing Dune the movie was awesome, I mean it was terrible, but it was still really really awesome, and memorable. In fact go read the book Dune, right now, and then buy the movie, and you have yourself an awesome weekend.
  2. I mean it can't be as bad as dragon ball evolution right? right...? oh god... not again... tear...

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