Monday, July 26, 2010

Update! I’m kinda blocked, upcoming reviews, recent fighting game announcements, and computer horror stories!

Hey guys I haven’t posted in a couple of days so I decided to inform you whats been up, and my opinions about a few things recently, including upcoming reviews, and The Street Fighter announcements.

Well I have been working directly on some upcoming movie reviews, but I have kind of been blocked in writing them. I dunno I just haven’t really been able to focus. I am almost finished with a review of Inception, and it should be up either later tonight or tomorrow, however that one is coming in two parts, one more of a standard review free of spoilers, and the second one more based on my analysis, of the content. I do have several reviews coming down the pipes but it’s really just about me knuckling down to get this site up to tip top shape, and post on a more regular basis.

So yea I was gonna do an official article on the announcements of Street Fighter X Tekken, and Tekken X Street Fighter, but I really just don’t care enough. I love street fighter, and the vs. series out of Capcom, but I really don’t care about tekken. I played tekken 5 and it was okay, really just okay, a good rental, but not that strong a game. I felt the same about tekken 4 also, I just don’t care about the series, enough to buy either of these games, and I just don’t care. I was really hoping when I heard the early rumors that it would be a Namco vs. Capcom type game, one that isn’t just Tekken, mostly because I enjoy the Soul Calibur series, and I would love to see someone like pacman shooting like pacdoukens or something. This is just disappointing to me, and I could care less about either of these games, I will stick to my Super Street Fighter 4, and forget either of these exists.

Bigger news I’m actually interested in is this, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike is going online sometime in the near future, and I’m freaking psyched! I missed the boat on Sf3, only playing 2 originally at my local drug store occasionally, before losing my mind to street fighter 4 last year. I had always really wanted to play it, because it looks a lot more in-depth and complex in ways than either 2 or 4, namely in the presence of parrying. Seriously if you want a visual representation of why I’m so excited go look up Daigo’s Ken win over Justin Wong’s Chun-li, at a past EVO tourney. Do it now, it’s like the gaming equivalent of a religious experience. I’m really excited for it, and I can wait for a release date, whenever it comes.

Oh and remember when I wrote about Alien Swarm? That junk won’t run on my laptop, it’s really disappointing. It’s not really surprising because after an incident two years ago with my first computer, I had to get a new one, and well this one doesn’t have a proper video card, making it nearly impossible to run any games on it. I had Dragon Age running for abit, but even on minimum settings it chugged like a drunk, so eventually I caved and bought the console version, I was pretty sad that day. Also this computer is pretty weird in the fact that it used to shut down all the time for no reason, until after awhile it just stopped doing that. I have no idea whats up with this thing, and I’m fairly knowledgeable about computers, but I think this thing is haunted.

So yea stay tuned for the site for more stuff, and I will try to pull my junk together, and run this site efficiently. Thanks, Love yah, BYE!!!

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