Monday, July 12, 2010

Sneak peak at the characters Dragon Age 2?


The Following article is full of speculation, I have no guarantees this is for Dragon Age 2, but I’m really quite certain, like 95%. Also the following information may spoil the parts of the story of the undefined game, which may or may not be Dragon Age 2.

So I was surfing the interwebs yesterday, when I stumbled upon a semi vague casting call for a “High Fantasy” Video game to be recorded in Canada. After reading the details given in the casting call I have come to the assumption that this is a casting for Dagon Age 2. Now I personally don’t like to report details on speculation but a lot of the clues seem to line up in my personal opinion. First and foremost it’s a casting for a “High fantasy, Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons type game” that is being cast for in Canada. I’m not sure about you, but I don’t know how many Canadian Dev’s are working on this type of game at the time of this writing, but I can name one right away, Bioware. Also the audition period for this casting was set from June 28th through the June 30th, with recording dates set for July 5th through July 30th, with the audition set just a little over a week before the official reveal of Dragon Age 2, the timing for this kind of thing, just seems absolutely right.

There are really only two things that mildly set back my allegations. The first being the fact that the casting is in Toronto, but since Toronto is a major economic hub, I wouldn’t discount the fact they may potentially be using a Toronto recording company. The second mildly disproving fact is that the call lists the dwarfen characters as having Scottish Accents. There wasn’t really an accent for dwarfs in the first game, but it did kind of seem like there was one a little, I don’t know. The third fact against this potentially being DA2 is in looking over some of the sample text, you encounter many locations, that aren’t in standard dragon age lore currently established. While I’m willing to believe that they are giving dialogue that won’t actually be in the game, I find it the evidence I have the most trouble swallowing. The second and third clues may be the most damning piece of evidence against my case, but I wouldn’t completely miscount it because of it either. I know this entire article is undermined, by the shear lack of definite evidence, but god damn it I’m not giving up!

Well let’s get down to the juicy bits of the story, namely the roles that were revealed, while this seems like a secondary level of casting for the project, as the call is directed at non union actors, and most of the names on the list are for secondary characters, there are several “Major Roles”.

Race/Human. Thief, very charasmatic, charming. Voice: American
Race/Human. Travelling magician. Voice: Scientific/British English
Race/Human. A Knight but also adventurer, serious, polite, friendly direct when to player, noble. Voice: British
[ CHARACTER 164/ AGE 30-40 ]
Race/Human. A Noble, Shows no remorse.
Voice: British
[ CHARACTER 96/ AGE 30-50 ]
Race/Human. Voice: American
[ CHARACTER 45/ AGE 30-50 ]
Race/Human. An Agent, Like M in James Bond. You don't really know who he works for.
Dwarf. Voice: Scottish, raw voice (Joe Cocker)
**The dwarves should all have a Scottish accent.:
[ CHARACTER 161/ AGE 60 ]
Race/Human. Baron, Like Nero, Radcliffe in Pocahontas. Voice: British

Elf. Lynx eye, smart, keen
[ CHARACTER 195/ AGE 35 ]
Race/Human. A Charlatan

For the rest of the list here’s a link to the page, but you will need to set up an account with the site to view it.

Now I accept that I may be wrong about this entire thing, and this might be for an entirely different game, but I personally believe this is a casting for Dragon Age 2. Only time will tell, but I find speculation fun. At the very least I can tell you of one companion character that WILL be in Dragon Age 2, the white, snarky, sarcastic, joking friend guy. You know the one who’s with you most of the game, and makes bad jokes at first glance, and is rather depressed at second glance. You know like that other Bioware character, what’s his name? Uh… Carth/Kaiden/Allister/Jacob/Anders

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