Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This movie is so sad… GO SEE IT.

So... Sad...

So yea, I finally got to see Toy Story 3, and yea all I got to say is… this movie is really quite depressing. It’s also incredibly awesome, but wow is it sad. Seriously if you haven’t seen this movie yet go see it, I’m sure you can still find theaters that have it, but you need to see this movie.

Toy Story 3 like 2009’s “Up” before it is utter proof that Pixar is the master of actual film craft in a sea of pretenders. Honestly there isn’t a single bad Pixar movie out there, and you can’t go wrong with any of them. There has to be something in the water, but it seems like every writer, designer, and animator over there is a genius, and I love them. Honestly I hold them on the same tier as Studio Ghibli, a team they themselves worship, and I love every film both studios have put out. If it sounds like I’m a fan boy it’s because I am, but seriously even my critical side will tell you that all these movies are awesome, and you should see them. Now.
Bonus Points For Totoro!!!

I have yet to see “Inception” yet, but I’m calling it. This summer’s best movie is by far Toy Story 3.

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