Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins DLC Review- Witch Hunt (An incredibly late review)

Dragon Age Origins has given us tons of content, but is the final DLC worth your cash?

**Warning** the following review will contain mild spoilers

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey, it’s a new Dragon Age 2 trailer!

There not too much to say about this one, other than it’s a neat CGI trailer that features some cool fighting, but I do have some commentary.

Mass Effect 2 is coming to the PS3… what?

So Mass Effect 2 is coming to the Playstation 3. Words cannot express my disappointment and rage at this announcement, and not for the reason you would think.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening review

Dragon Age is a long game, a very looong game, and now there’s more of it. Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening is the first (and more than likely only) full length Expansion to DA: O, and let me tell you it’s good, really good.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins DLC- The Main Game Add-ons Review

So here is a maxi-set of mini reviews about all the expansions to the Main Game of Dragon Age: Origins, including Warden’s Keep, The Stone Prisoner, Return to Ostagar, the Feastday content, and more!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins DLC- Darkspawn Chronicles Review

Darkspawn Chronicles is a really good premise; In fact it’s a bloody great premise. However in execution it wallows misery. I’m not saying it’s bad, but this is by far the most “meh” pieces of DLC I have ever played.

Dragon Age: Origins DLC- Leliana’s Song Review

Leliana is one of my Favorite Characters in Dragon Age: Origins. I loved her charm and mysterious past; she had some really funny lines of dialogue, and was really useful in battle. So when I heard she was going to be the star of a new Downloadable Mini-Campaign, I was totally on board. Upon playing I found that it was a fun exciting, romp through the world of Dragon Age, that is impactful and touching, in spite of its brevity.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bioshock Infinite Trailer and analysis!!!

Well I loves me some Bioshock, and Bioshock 2 was ok, but this, this looks damn good…

Dragon Age: Origins DLC– The Golems of Amgarrak Review

So yea I’m a fairly big Dragon Age Fan, I love the game and can’t wait for the sequel. You wouldn’t believe my surprise when I find out just yesterday that new DLC was released. I had never heard of this new mini campaign Golems of Amgarrak. I knew absolutely nothing about the story or the content therein. So you can imagine my surprise when I find quite possibly the most challenging and annoying content I have ever experienced in a Bioware game.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Justin Bieber gets hit in head with a water bottle (yes, video included...)

This is wrong… This is so wrong, but this is also really funny. I know laughing at this makes me a bad person, but this is just so funny. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Goodbye Triceratops…

Well paleontologists have found out the Triceratops is really just another dinosaur, the completely lame Torosaurus, at an earlier stage of development in it’s life span. Triceratops was my favorite dinosaur growing up, and now it’s gone.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Songs to game by - Air Man ga Taosenai (Can’t beat Airman)

Everyone who has played a Megaman game knows the frustration that is THE ENTIRE GAME!!! Let’s face it Megaman is a series that leaves no room for failure, and you will find a boss that will be the inevitable bane of your existence, fortunately to help you push through we have an amazing song from Japan that will help you persevere through the pain and strife.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Avengers Comic-con Teaser Trailer!

It’s a teaser people… so in other words it’s kinda boring…

It came from Game Informer: Batman Arkham City

Another month, another big game reveal brought to us by the silly people over at Game Informer. While I have my own personal reasons for disliking game informer, I must give it to them; they are golden at nabbing exclusives for the public. This upcoming month cover story is the sequel to the stupendous title Batman Arkham Asylum, know as Batman Arkham city.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Justice League: The New Frontier Review

You know a Justice League animated movie is more than a little different when in the first 6 minutes two people get shot in the face, one covering a main character’s face in weird maroon colored blood. This is the odd duck that is Justice League: The New Frontier.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I’ve gotta see this - Earth’s Mightiest Heroes: The Avengers

So Spectacular Spider-Man is gone off the air, batman brave and the bold too… huh… Yea… WHO CARES THIS IS AWESOME!!!
The newest in the long line of excellent Marvel universe cartoons shall bring together the greatest of the marvel heroes for a battle none of them can face alone, a weekly television series!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Gojira (Godzilla) 1954 Review

Gojira or Godzilla for the sake of Microsoft word is a movie that in short inspired a nation’s creative mind. Let’s face it, something about Godzilla made him so special that he has become a giant sized phenomena. He has over the last 66 years, spawned over 30 films, multiple television series, videogames, comic books, novels, and more. Heck, the franchise bookends several Eras of Japanese Kaiju (Monster movies) and Tokusatsu (Special Effects Shows, like Power Rangers) movies, and has always been at the forefront of the genre.  Godzilla’s overwhelming popularity boggles the mind. I love the big lug, but I had to see what started this epically long and beloved franchise. That’s why I decided to take a look back at the first, the original, Japanese King of Monster movies that is Gojira.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thor Comic-con Trailer Leaked Online: WATCH THIS NOW

well it's been pulled. go search the internets in vain for it's goodness.

Well the Thor comic con trailer was leaked to the interwebs today, and by Odin’s beard this trailer is epic.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ZERG RUSH KEKEKE!!! Star Craft 2 has finally Arrived!

Hooray Starcraft 2 is out!

Inception Review

So after seeing Inception a second time I have finally come to a consensus on the film. It really did take me awhile to fully comprehend and analyze this films effectiveness, and exactly how it affected me and my psyche. Now do not mistake the aforementioned comment as distaste or disapproval for the film, as I greatly enjoyed it both times, however it took viewing the film again to properly wrap my head around the enigmatic puzzle that is Inception, and to properly enumerate my feelings on the subject. This is my answer; Inception is one of the greatest works of Science Fiction of the new millennia.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Update! I’m kinda blocked, upcoming reviews, recent fighting game announcements, and computer horror stories!

Hey guys I haven’t posted in a couple of days so I decided to inform you whats been up, and my opinions about a few things recently, including upcoming reviews, and The Street Fighter announcements.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Mass effect 2 DLC: The Lair of the Shadow Broker!

More Mass Effect is always a good thing, and Bioware seeks to please with the announcement of a brand new expansion to Mass Effect 2. Entitled the Lair of the Shadow Broker, you as Commander Shepard will team up once again with Dr. Liara T’Soni on her mission for vengeance against the mysterious Shadow Broker.

6 new (ish) Characters confirmed for Marvel Versus Capcom 3!

So Capcom has come to Comic-con and by no means have disappointed in news about their latest fighting game master craft Marvel Versus Capcom 3. We have news of 6 playable characters confirmed to join the MVC cast and you will be surprised by some of the inclusions.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kinect Priced at $150 with “Free” game, Slim bundle on the way, and The return of the $50 game! (Unless you’re a Wii gamer, in which case the 50 dollar game never left…)

Commencing not buying… NOW! P.S. this is kinda like 3 or 4 articles in one!

Will Smith to star in a Cain and Abel Movie with Vampires… Wait… What?

So I was playing Super Street Fighter 4 this morning as the character Abel. In my natural curiosity to learn more about him, I typed his name into Google, and what do I find? Headlines about the biblical Abel and his brother Cain, oh and details about the next big Will Smith movie entitled “The Legend of Cain”. My curiosity piqued, my eyebrow raised, and my jaw dropped when I saw the premise. “The Legend of Cain” is a retelling of the Cain and Abel story with a twist, Vampires will somehow be involved. While there isn’t a lot of information about the movie out other than the premise, and the fact that Will Smith is attached, this is set to be very interesting.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Free new game from Valve! Alien Swarm!

What if Left 4 dead was a top down dungeon crawler? Now what if that game was totally free? Well you would get Alien Swarm!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The idiocy of Idiocracy; A movie rant/review

I probably shouldn’t be talking about this, but this is an issue that absolutely blows my mind. I am speaking of a film whose logic is so flawed, but is loved by quite the large cult of people who sheepishly believe every word the film utters. This film is an aberration upon the human culture foolishly gratifying the basic instinct and desire to be more intelligent than someone. This film is symbolic of a generation of high IQ non thinkers that are wasting their time reiterating the same crap undeveloped ideas of a generation of elitist trash. The film I am referring to is Idiocracy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The questionable Future of Final Fantasy

Insert inquisitive opening statement about if we have seen the Final Final Fantasy...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hey Look! It’s movie Thor, Odin, and Loki!

The first image from the upcoming Thor movie has been released, and boy is it something. Besides the fact that the actors all look like giant action figures in plastic armor, the costumes look pretty cool. I think in some respects they’re a little over designed, but hey it’s comic books.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This movie is so sad… GO SEE IT.

So... Sad...

So yea, I finally got to see Toy Story 3, and yea all I got to say is… this movie is really quite depressing. It’s also incredibly awesome, but wow is it sad. Seriously if you haven’t seen this movie yet go see it, I’m sure you can still find theaters that have it, but you need to see this movie.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sneak peak at the characters Dragon Age 2?


The Following article is full of speculation, I have no guarantees this is for Dragon Age 2, but I’m really quite certain, like 95%. Also the following information may spoil the parts of the story of the undefined game, which may or may not be Dragon Age 2.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

PSN blunder of the week, Free Anime with breasts


Yea, and someone thought this show was a good idea to give this away for free

Friday, July 9, 2010

Blockbusters confusing stock, and Twilight bandages.

Today I found Twilight: New Moon bandages at my local blockbuster store. At first I was bemused, thinking to myself, yes that is what I need Jacob covering up my booboos, or better yet, Alice Cullen aka Ashley Greene. (Yeah, I have a bit of a celebrity crush, I’m okay with that.) Now despite my immense want to buy these on sales, year old, healing pieces of adhesive tape, I didn’t. Despite my desire to confuse the cashier, I couldn’t bring myself to support Blockbuster in their ridiculous advertising crossover confusion, because they have been confusing me for a while.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Uh… the relevance of Game Reviews, some other stuff, blog news.

So yea, I haven’t had an update in a few days, and that’s because I’m working on a lot of new stuff for the blog all the time, but sometimes I get blocked or distracted with another article. (Or you know I just start playing Transformers: War for Cybertron) Well anyway I’m here to talk about some stuff in a more unofficial kind of manner, since I’m probably not going to write a full article for them.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hulu Plus... err this sounds familiar…

Wow who woulda thought two premium paid subscription services of content that were previously free… and still are sorta... in one day... huh…

Screw Playstation Plus/ + PSN details and my feelings on it

 Playstation Network Plus hit today and I'm not happy

Heavenly Sword Review

The Playstation 3 is a console that boasts two things, first the games you play are beautiful to look at, and 2 the games you play will be exclusive to the Playstation, and Heavenly Sword is defiantly 2-for-2 in that regard. While many people wrote this game off as more of a god of war clone, than the killer app the Playstation needed at the time; Ninja Theory crafted a strong title that they can be proud of, even if it’s not the greatest, or most original game in the world.